Our sermons seek to intelligently explore texts from all parts of the bible, and to stimulate reflection on their significance for our lives today. We understand each particular text in the light of the whole bible, often tracing themes through several passages.
Sermons can be viewed as part of our LiveStream Service on YouTube: www.youtube.com/stjamesoldcathedral
Some past sermons before we used YouTube are made available through SoundCloud below.
Ministry Staff
Canon Matt Williams (Vicar)
Rev. Mike Raiter
Ms. Bei-En Zou
On-Site Manager
Ms. Lisa Wardell
Building Location
Cnr King & Batman Sts
West Melbourne 3003
Community Location
Zoom Room 597-917-6529.
T 03 9329 0903
E office@sjoc.org.au
Service in Church / YouTube:
Sundays at 10:00 am
Services on Zoom
8:30 am Mon-Fri:
Morning Prayer
9:00 pm Mon-Thurs: